maki kobayashi

breath guide

an accomplished japanese martial arts practitioner, maki teaches breathwork as a path to harmony and purpose in life.


"i'm a japanese business professional living in stockholm. i'm a yoga instructor, karate, and judo blackbelt holder.

four years ago, i suffered from chronic pain in my neck and back due to a stressful life. i was totally losing the balance of my body and mind. consequently, i traveled to india to master yoga, simply because i thought 'physical exercises' would heal the pain. i became a yoga teacher and kept practicing 'asana' at least 4 times per week.

fast forward two years and i was still suffering from occasional pain. this changed when i met daniel, one of the hale co-founders, in his wim hof method ice-bathing course. after several breathwork sessions, my pain was completely gone. i decided then to explore the breathwork world and have kept doing that ever since."

maki kobayashi is one of our certified breath guides. let her inspire you to breathe – connect – grow.