Athletic breath curriculum

hale Athletic breath certification

If you’re an athlete, a trainer working with clients or an individual ready to take your training or coaching to the next level - this unique certification is made for you.

Who is this for?

Personal trainers and coaches, professional athletes, fitness and workout enthusiasts.


Online and two physical meet-ups

For how long?

8 weeks

During this 8-week certification program, you will:

- Learn how to master your athletic breath.

- Build your co2 tolerance.

- Train all your breathing musculature in new ways.

- Learn how to guide your clients in breathwork sessions.

- Find a new community and build a network.

- The whole approach of applied breathwork.

- How phychology impacts breathing.

- Stress manangement tools for both you and your clients.

- How to integrate tech and science with breathwork.

- How habits and mindset impact performance.

- New ways to support and teach with the skills you already possess.

Module 01: Activate

How to breathe – Get to know the basics of breathing.

In this module you’ll learn:

– Applications for activation & techniques for preparing body and mind.

– Baseline testing and tools for testing breathing function and the nervous system.

Signature breathwork sessions:

– Hale Base: Experience what the breath can do and bring you as a beginner.

– Hale Power: Learn the real power of activationthrough this intense way of breathing.

Module 02: Perform

The essentials – Get to know the basic mechanics of breathing patterns.

In this module you’ll learn:

– Maximize your co2 tolerance – both passively and during dynamic exercise.

– When and why some breathing patterns are more useful than others.

– Baseline testing - specific testing for co2 tolerance and how to use them.

Signature breathwork sessions:

– Mechanics: A full workout breath experience, here you will feel how all different techniques come together.

– Resilience: Explore how the body react to rising levels of carbon dioxide and low levels of oxygen.

Module 03: Recover

The fundamentals of recovery – Get basic understanding of how the body recovers.

In this module you’ll learn:

– Applications for recovery. Learn how to influence your parasympathetic nervous system with the breath.

– Bonus: Get to know about other extra modalities like heat, cold and sleep, and how they interplay with breathing and recovery.

Module 04: Relax

The fundamentals of stress and relaxation – Get basic understanding of stress in relation to performance.

In this module you’ll learn:

– Applications for relaxation - learn how subtle breathing techniques bring relaxation to body and mind and when to use them.

– Learn how to use effective tools for you or your clients.

Signature breathwork sessions:

– Explore how deep more abstract breathing sessions can release stored emotions and bring a more complete relaxation than you can imagine.

– Expand understanding of the human experience and how the breath fully can impact it and it states.

Sign up to access the application

When you sign up you’ll get a pdf with all info and structure of the athletic breath certification program level 1

Athletic breath certification

If you’re an athlete, a trainer working with clients or an individual that wants to take your training or coaching to the next level - this unique certification training is made for you.